Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Day at Shamian Island

We took Katie to Shamian Island to get her visa phot and medical exam this morning. Jack got us through the process very quickly. Katie cried more getting her picture taken than she did getting poked for her TB test. We went to the White Swan Hotel to use the Happy House. The medical center, photographer and hotel are on an island that was used by the British and French during the Opium War. The island's architecture is very European. The U.S. Consulate headquarters is also located on the island, though the adoption office is now located in another part of the city. We were just one of dozens of families adopting children waiting for physical exams. So many smiles in the midst of chaotic stress!

Jack talked about his Buddhist beliefs - that he hopes to be reincarnated to a better existence due to his good work in helping families adopt. My prayer is that he will find a relationship with Jesus so he won't have to worry about coming back as a cockroach. Instead, he can experience the unearned forgiveness and peace that only comes through a relationship with God's one and only son!

Jack also shared more about the history of China. The silk road led not only to Xi'an by land, but also to Guangzhou (aka Canton) by sea. We also passed a beautiful building with a blue roof build as a monument to Sun Ya-Sen, the Founding Father of Republican China. He led the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty, the last of the dynasties of China. Sun Yat-Sen was a doctor trained in the West. He served as the first provisional president of China in 1912. It is so interesting that God brought us to two cities that tie together in such an integral way in the fabric of China's history.

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